21 Jul 202330 EDITIONS
I was told recently that I was undervaluing my work. The comment was no surprise, though it was inaccurate. My work is precious to me. So, why do I give it away?
Quadrangle of My Being - The Creator's Cut
20 Jul 202330 EDITIONS
As a director might create their own cut of a movie, I have generated my own editions of Quadrangle of My Being. These are outputs that I personally selected while exploring the output space.
18 Jul 202330 EDITIONS
Quadrangle of My Being began as an entirely different project. Along the way, the outputs started to remind me of landforms seen from high above and I found my original inspiration giving way to maps.
25 Jun 202330 EDITIONS
An anniversary observance. An act of defiance. A cry of anger.
15 Jun 202330 EDITIONS
With the close of the day today, we will be half way through Pride Month, 2023. If you want to honor our LGBTQIA2S+ comrades, support them as artists, or otherwise participate in this month long celebration of the diversity of the human race, here is a resource for you.
Cry Diversity Community Results
15 Jun 202330 EDITIONS
The project, Cry Diversity, is a call to action to all of us in the genArt community to actively work towards greater diversity and equality in our clan. The UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity beautifully states, “As a source of exchange, innovation and creativity, cultural diversity is as necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for nature.” Who better to usher in an age of true appreciation for, and active promotion of cultural diversity in the arts than a community of artists and collectors.
12 Jun 202330 EDITIONS
Pride is both my debut project on editart.xyz and a peaen in honor of my granddaughter, Gwen, a young trans women who, like many, has struggled in her journey of self discovery.
18 May 202330 EDITIONS
Showcasing my #5TezCollection contribution. I will win no contests because I made no attempt at volume. I did not want to over emphasize how ridiculously we undervalue our artists, so I focused on pieces priced at .5tz to 3tz, and I collected works I genuinely valued for the art rather than the price.
15 May 202330 EDITIONS
With the project, “Polaroids”, I forged a new path for my genArt. Using fx(params), in particular the ability to craft WYSIWYG outputs, the “Polaroids” collector may fully explore the design space in all its random quirkiness and yet select the output of their choosing to mint. I set out to create a call and response, a dance, between me and the collector, but it didn’t take me long to realize that I had also opened a new opportunity for me to share my creative vision. I could mint my own favorites to the collection. Like a Director’s Cut, here then is the Creator’s Dozen, presented as a zine of sorts.
"Polaroids", Favs From the First Forty
07 May 202330 EDITIONS
“Polaroids” is my first fx(params) WYSIWYG project. As such, it is an experiment on several levels. It is not an inputs and sliders project, and this may confuse, frustrate, or delight depending on your view of params in general. As the minter, there are only two ways for you to impact the output. You can add a personalized label - it's a little summer keepsake after all - and you can pick the output you want to mint. Otherwise, the project is traditional long form genArt. On each iteration, a unique output is generated using a random seed and a hash, and neither you nor I can anticipate, despite our knowledge of the design space, precisely what that output will be. I have not invited you to become a co-CREATOR, I have given you the opportunity to co-CURATE the collection. I see this as an interesting direction to take. Will you?
Params & WYSIWYG - How I Did It
02 May 202330 EDITIONS
Not being a web developer but rather someone who has learned enough p5.js to get by, I will share here how I implemented my first fx(params) WYSIWYG project. My hope is that my approach will be useful to others in a similar situation. Use at your own risk, but please share any mistakes or improvements you find so that I can post a correction. The example used is my recent project, "Polaroids".
02 May 202330 EDITIONS
I have just completed my second fx(params) project. The journey from the first to the second was comprised by a single month, from April’s Fool to May Day. A month full of learning, deep thought, and meaningful conversation within the community. My first project was completed against a mental backdrop of a dazzling cockpit ablaze in knobs, dials, and switches. My second could not be more minimal. What changed?
02 May 202330 EDITIONS
It is not yet officially summer, but it is distinctly starting to feel like it in my part of the world. Thoughts of film, chemicals, and sunshine are rising in my blood, and visions of mutilating Polaroids occupy my thoughts. When the summer sap begins to rise, that little packet of plastic calls to me like a siren.
First Params - What I've Learned
07 Apr 202330 EDITIONS
I have completed my first fx(params) project. A simple statement that obscures so much: excited anticipation prior to launch, cross-eyed bewilderment once it rolled out and the apparent complexity of implementing it knocked me for a loop, and my eventual satisfied success. While the experience is fresh, I will share a bit of my journey with you in the hope that it helps you in yours.
31 Mar 2023123 EDITIONS
EDIT- 4/4/2023: After discussion within the community around fears of bots snatching all the editions and not elevating anyone, I have decided to modify the release of the project slightly. At 1PM GMT on 4/5/2023, I will begin listing fx(elevate) editions in batches for 1 tez each. If you are a genuine community member and find this change in price disconcerting, please let me know as soon as possible. I will honor my original intention and airdrop a random edition to you. This process of periodic listings and individual airdropping will continue throughout the day as supply is consumed. At the end of the day, I will list all the remaining editions for 1 tez each. Happy collecting and let's do some ELEVATING!!
08 Feb 202330 EDITIONS
The February addition of my six months long sales and marketing experiment is open for minting. It will be reserved, free of charge, for previous collectors of my work for the next week. Unsold editions will then be offered for sale during the following week. At the end of that week, any unsold editions will be burned. This is the backstory of the project.
02 Feb 202330 EDITIONS
I participated in Genuary, the month-long daily genArt challenge, for the first time this year. Totally intimidated by the company I was keeping, I had no expectation that I would be able to keep up the pace or find inspiration for every prompt, but lo and behold, I did it. I created a work for each day of January and managed to honor each prompt, though many of the pieces might truthfully be better labelled short form rather than long form generative art. It was a month of hard work, lots of research and study, lots of learning, and lots of fun.
04 Jan 202330 EDITIONS
What If, my first project of 2023, marks my New Year’s resolution in visual form and begins a new experiment in the sales and marketing of my work. I’ll dive into both aspects below.
06 Dec 202230 EDITIONS
When working IRL with light, chemistry, and photosensitive paper, I work intuitively. In a dance with forces that operate within their own complex interactions, I watch and react, making split-second decisions and moving quickly to exaggerate or retard what I see happening. I am the conductor of a somewhat unruly orchestra. It occurs to me that experimental photography is a very generative process - it just isn’t centered in code and its variability is driven by physics rather than math. Perhaps it is no wonder that I am drawn to both genArt and the fringes of photographic practice.
25 Nov 202230 EDITIONS
I am fascinated by symbols, marks, & texts that are just outside our ability to read in the common sense of the word. I am also deeply drawn to those fleeting moments when we escape our lot as thinking creatures and access our intuitive selves. I believe that our deepest truth lies in those moments. Art, especially abstract, non-representational art, pulls me into a state of nonverbal communication. Briefly, I exist outside my normal mode of human doing. I become for an instant a human being.