"Polaroids", Favs From the First Forty
written by Wanda Oliver (o...
Have I found the right blend of surprise and control to keep your experience of the project fun and interesting? Only time will tell, and even then the answers may be ambiguous. In the meantime, my own experience of the project has been rewarding. I have loved watching the outputs manifest knowing that while they are the random outcomes of my algorithm, they are also your intentional choices. We are not just jointly watching a random process unfold, we are engaged in a sort of call and response between one another and chance. I find that exciting, hence this response. A response that is an invitation to your own.
Here are my four favorites from the editions you’ve curated so far.
Love and creativity always,
Happy emergent face captures the spirit of the entire enterprise perfectly, as does the perky caption.
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A minimalist soulmate is found.
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The gentle palette speaks to a quiet place deep within me, the soft touch accentuated by the absence of a caption.
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Such a clever use of the label - an "I wish I had thought of that" moment in the face of a compositional tour de force.