

written by Wanda Oliver (o...

31 Mar 2023123 EDITIONS

fx(elevate) is a cry for parity within our community for underrepresented artists. It will be released on April 5, in conjunction with fx(fam) 003, the third fx(hash) community town hall. The discussion will include a segment spotlighting women and non-binary artists on fx(hash). See details below and be sure to tune in.

Like all my 2023 releases, previous collectors of my work may collect fx(elevate) for free. In fact, anyone may collect it for free.  But, there is a catch.  Collecting this work is not intended as a fleeting show of generic support.  Rather, it is a personal challenge from artist to collector.

The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to elevate the artist named in your edition. Here is how it works.  Collect an edition (more on the mechanics below) and watch your new piece of art build.  Open it in live mode and press R.  The name of an artist will appear.  This the artist you are asked to elevate.  The artist names are from the two lists found on fxfeed.xyz: “women in genart” & “lgbtqia2s+ in genart” (see full list below).  The names themselves are fx(hash) user names, facilitating easy location of the artist’s work.

Art (left) and Reveal (right)
Art (left) and Reveal (right)

How do you elevate? Here are some ideas:

Let’s get enthusiastic about it and see who claims the honor of being the most active and most creative elevating collector. If we draw attention to, and train our influence on these important members of the fx(fam), we will be the change!

Palettes and Their Role

Before I dive into the mechanics of the project, there is one other major feature of the work to be discussed - the palettes.  There are twelve palette choices, exposed as a feature, and each one is associated with an aspirational characteristic of our community.  Emphasizing these characteristics in our daily interactions is yet another way of elevating our shared goal of equal opportunity for all.

The palettes are:

Examples of fx(elevate) palettes
Examples of fx(elevate) palettes

Collection Mechanics

The mechanics of this project are a little different than the usual fx(hash) project and require some explanation. They take advantage of fx(params) in what may be a novel way.  I wanted each of the 123 artists included to be represented by one and only one edition. To ensure that, I exposed the artist name as a parameter and will mint each edition myself, carefully iterating through the list of names.  This means the work can only be collected on the secondary market.  With 123 editions to mint and list, I will begin minting editions on April 2.  I will begin listing the editions on April 5. This window creates yet another way for you to participate in the project.  As minted editions are created, feel free to get the party started with lively discussion and sharing.

project name project name project name


This work could not have been completed without the support of the fx(hash) team and two wonderful members of our community, cari ann shim sham* and louis. A thundering shout out to each of you.  I am forever grateful.

Project Details

fx(elevate) was created by Wanda Oliver (wandaoliver.tez) in April, 2023, 

fx(elevate) editions are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

Dimensionless design responds to window size.


Press [R] in live mode to reveal the name of an artist to elevate.

Press [D] in live mode to download.

Press [S] in live mode to download a high resolution file suitable for printing. It can take a bit - please be patient.

Elevated Artists

0rfula, Ada Ada Ada, Aeon Bloom, Aleksandra, AliaK, Ally, Alyssa Joines, Amanda Homem, Amber Vittoria, Amelia, Amy Goodchild, Ana Maria Caballero, Anna Lucia, Anna Carreras, aster1ai, Atelie 407.genart, aether, auniseiva, AutoEclectus, AydaEtb, Babara Ramos, Bandana, candevicmo, cari ann shim sham*, Casekimba, Cathy Burghi, catnips, Ce Vignolo, ChistAi, Ciput_GENART, crystalspaceshp, danielleking.tez, daratan, DehiscenceArt, DesignwithSarah, Devi Parikh, Dora Vlady, drawsbymv, Eliza SJ, ella, Elout de Kok, elsif, Emily Xie, Empress Trash, Estelle Flores, ExperiMentalnoise, Fabi Yamada, Faze, flight404, goldcat, Gyo, Henames.art, INA VARE, innadakota, IskraVelitchkova, Iteration__, Ivona Tau, jeres, jesshewitt, Jimena Buena Vida, Jojo Sunshine, Jolie Michel, jsliang, Julia V, krolcm, Kunio Okuizumi, Kusamehewa, la.agust, LadyTezos, levoontin.tez, Liam Egan, liasomething, linxirwengi, Lisa Orth, Lisa Sekaida, m5alien, mandybrigwell, mare-mon, Mariana JU, Medusa Iro, Melissa Wiederrecht, Minever, MinooK, nx0, Nadieh, Natalie.J, Negarnaderifard, NftEconomist, Nicole Vella, orbitanaut, Pixantle, QianqianYe, RalenArc, reona396, Reva, Rezva, sapirco, Sarah Ridgley, Sasha Stiles, se.nao.maja, Selisse, senbaku, sharla, Sollevera, sonylemon.tez, speginel, Stefj, SuLuLab, TAN-TAN, thesarahshow, trp_chai, Tyche, UBERMORGEN, V5MT, Victoria Crux, VidaV, violetforest, vocesferales, Wanda Oliver, Willow Pines, WizArtOfTez, Yasmin Senzi, Ziggo511.

fx(fam) 003


Before I close, I’d like to take a short aside into my genArt journey to date.  fx(elevate) roughly marks my six months anniversary in using code to create art - I released my first fx(hash) project, Wings, on September 13, 2022.  The simplicity of that project was as much a result of my limited skills as it was a design choice, though its minimalism sets my heart free still. Echoes of Wings can be seen in fx(elevate), as well as the richness and complexity of what I have learned with each successive project.  To all the readers, collectors, and supporters in my journey so far, I offer my undying gratitude. Our journey has just begun.

Love and creativity always,


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