What If

What If

written by Wanda Oliver (o...

04 Jan 202330 EDITIONS
0.25 TEZ

Creative considerations first.  One of my favorite poems is Samual Taylor Coleridge’s, What If you Slept.  I have read it a thousand times, and yet it never fails to leave me in a state of wonder and awe, in love with beauty and possibility.  I want to spend 2023 in just that state. Taking the poem as the basis for the project, it is a declaration, an affirmation, and a reminder of essential nourishment for the soul.

What if you slept/ And what if/ In your sleep/ You dreamed/ And what if/ In your dream/ You went to heaven/ And there plucked a strange and beautiful flower/ And what if/ When you awoke/ You had that flower in your hand/ Ah, what then? ~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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On the sales and marketing side, What If introduces a pricing innovation that I want to experiment with.  For the first week, collectors of my previous projects may collect the token for free.  At the beginning of the 2nd week, the remaining editions will be offered for sale to new collectors. At the beginning of the third week, the remaining editions will be burned. I intend to use this sales approach for at least six months while releasing at least one project per month. My goal is to 1)reduce my fretting about the sales and marketing aspects of my art, 2)to reward my supporters, and 3)to encourage livelier secondary trading of my work.  In conjunction with this experiment, I will also be stepping back a bit from traditional social media.  While I will be active on Mastodon, I will be seen less on Twitter.  As I write these words, I realize that what I have labelled a pricing experiment might be better categorized as a mental health experiment.  In any case, let the experiment begin.

As far as technical details, this piece continues my exploration of symbolic communication by using custom fonts created by the artist as visual components. These appear as encoded text, as asemic writing, and as plain text in my own handwriting.  Being fonts, these are pre-rendered. All other components are algorithmic. The work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Dimensionless design responds to window size, and hi-resolution downloads are supported for each output. Finally, I want to shout out to Steve’s Makersplace for helping me learn how to make organic blobs and shapes.

Sales proceeds are split with Girls Who Code, including primary mints and secondary royalties. Royalty splits include the minter.

Love and creativity always,


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