Cry Diversity Community Results

Cry Diversity Community Results

written by Wanda Oliver (o...

15 Jun 202330 EDITIONS
0.25 TEZ

When minting an edition, the Cry Diversity collector is asked to select one of twenty affirmations to be embedded in the work along with bits of the UNESCO declaration. This turns each edition into a prayer flag waving permanently on the blockchain and proudly declaring our hopes for ourselves. The 256 mint tickets are now sold out, and 210 editions have been minted. With over 80% of the mints complete, what affirmations did our community choose? Here are the stats.

While diversity and inclusivity were not in the top results, I feel that they are implied by the affirmations that are at the top of the list. True kindness towards each and every member of our community implies justice, inclusivity, and equity - traits I am personally committed to championing.

We've stated our intentions, let's make our cries heard and our actions felt!

Love and creativity always,



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