12 Mar 2023100 EDITIONS
Piet Mondrian's abstract paintings and Jackson Pollock's art are widely recognized as opposite ends of the modern art visual spectrum. We all know that Piet Mondrian (1872-1944) and Jackson Pollock (1912-1956) had very different and opposing lives. Mondrian's genius is found in the combination of patterned elements, resulting in a profound aesthetic that triumphantly emerges from absolute simplicity. Pollock's paintings are chaotically fractal and complex, whereas Mondrian's are simple, clean, and straight lines. Although Mondrian has always supported Pollock, their perspectives on abstract art are diametrically opposed.
12 Mar 2023100 EDITIONS
Piet Mondrian's abstract paintings and Jackson Pollock's art are widely recognized as opposite ends of the modern art visual spectrum. We all know that Piet Mondrian (1872-1944) and Jackson Pollock (1912-1956) had very different and opposing lives. Mondrian's genius is found in the combination of patterned elements, resulting in a profound aesthetic that triumphantly emerges from absolute simplicity. Pollock's paintings are chaotically fractal and complex, whereas Mondrian's are simple, clean, and straight lines. Although Mondrian has always supported Pollock, their perspectives on abstract art are diametrically opposed.
26 Feb 2023100 EDITIONS
"Euphoria" embodies my pleasurable exploration and playfulness in geometry to produce a whole unit of an image that reminds me of my old cubist painting exercises. "Euphoria" ends from diagonal lines to different levels of flat color, surfaces, and shapes.
20 Nov 2022100 EDITIONS
This work is a collection along the lines of abstract works that I produced during the last year, and this is the first generative project in the form of a collaboration with the artist's friend Arash.
This is the beginning of the production of fascinating works that we have been working on for several projects for months. In the background of this piece, there is a combination of Mondrian's known works with his well-known color palette and style, and the compositions try to remember Mondrian's works and create new and different designs.
23 Oct 2022100 EDITIONS
This project is a playful attempt to depict how Neo-plasticism painters abstracted compositions, inspired and a tribute to the "De Stijl" movement, drawn using statically rendered block elements. The visual language reminds the original designs of famous artists of this art movement; in this project, each color palette is categorized by the name of a favorite piece of these artists. These palettes are sometimes determined by the color combination of this artist's works, which form the visual identity of their works from the color dimension.
A Bridge Between Reality and Dreams.
28 Sep 2022126 EDITIONS
In this article, while briefly examining the landscapes of Gustav Klimt, I will discuss the influence of his works on my work, will point out his abstract influence and modern approach to using repetitive motifs and breaking the perspective in the background of his works, and bold use of graphics in his works that have a classical style.
14 Sep 2022256 EDITIONS
I try to explore the unknown nature of objects in an emotional abstraction. Instead of imposing an entirely personal feeling on the canvas, I draw something out of the canvas with the tools of expressive abstraction and color contrast. The content of an abstract painting completely bypasses all those mental filters. Abstract painting is the revelation of the inner life of the human soul; it transforms from words to visual identity. The abstract painting speaks the language of the imaginary world, a language that struggles with complexities.
12 Sep 2022256 EDITIONS
The Whispering Colors is an experimental collection to give meaning to space and praise abstract architecture about abstract concepts displayed in the form of colors and shapes.
Trying to create a world beyond the stereotyped and functional form in designing spaces for living and representing thinking that gradually enters the mental image is a calculable and not necessarily practical field.
31 Aug 2022333 EDITIONS
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30 Aug 202210000 EDITIONS
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30 Aug 2022100 EDITIONS