signs of life
generative art
Signs of Life: A #5TezCollection

Signs of Life: A #5TezCollection

written by Seán

24 May 2023500 EDITIONS
0.25 TEZ

Twelve artworks have been collected and are on display here. Please consider checking out the Gallery.co display at https://gallery.so/sean_art/galleries/2Ptk2EsX5lZu4fDwoItgc7QA8Qw.

Generative art. It's just so fascinating! Oh, the lovely people I have interacted with—I certainly have some favorite artists and artworks! For this collection, it was a challenge to spend a small amount. I thought of reaching back into the past for items that were picked up at low prices, but rather I decided to include only new purchases for the challenge. Accounting notes are available immediately below.

ARTWORK                            ARTIST         PRICE (xtz)  GAS FEE (xtz)  DATE         WALLET                                 MARKETPLACE
Hatchet: Kagami #27                Ben Lewis      0.5          0.01675        2023-05-18   tz1a6nqwLkdNEG1syHDr1wK4q1j78T9sn1wa   fxhash.xyz
ge12Z2mi023El2                     qubibi         1.25         0.001494       2023-05-23   tz1ZQNJ2jb7WcoYjFaSsboAC6YUs1T577A95   objkt.com
Flowers #210                       Gray Team      0.375        0.004866       2023-05-16   tz1a6nqwLkdNEG1syHDr1wK4q1j78T9sn1wa   fxhash.xyz
SilkenThe Flower                Andreas Rau    0.5          0.001505       2023-05-22   tz1ZQNJ2jb7WcoYjFaSsboAC6YUs1T577A95   objkt.com
Easter Egg #923                    Bewelge        0.2          0.00254        2023-05-23   tz1ZQNJ2jb7WcoYjFaSsboAC6YUs1T577A95   fxhash.xyz
Radial Accretion WIP 007           d_ho__         0.25         0.00864        2023-05-22   tz1ZQNJ2jb7WcoYjFaSsboAC6YUs1T577A95   objkt.com
Long, Thin, Tubular Structure #86  hrtkassh       0.5          0.00254        2023-05-23   tz1ZQNJ2jb7WcoYjFaSsboAC6YUs1T577A95   fxhash.xyz
The Right Side of History          tenebris.via   0.4          0.010966       2023-05-22   tz1ZQNJ2jb7WcoYjFaSsboAC6YUs1T577A95   objkt.com
Störungen #174                     un_erscore     0.25         0.004867       2023-05-23   tz1ZQNJ2jb7WcoYjFaSsboAC6YUs1T577A95   fxhash.xyz
Generative Cotton III              Black Orbital  0.22         0.001567       2023-05-20   tz1ZQNJ2jb7WcoYjFaSsboAC6YUs1T577A95   objkt.com
Der Ast #179                       un_erscore     0.25         0.012038       2023-05-23   tz1ZQNJ2jb7WcoYjFaSsboAC6YUs1T577A95   fxhash.xyz
Fern                               276.tez        0.14         0.001561       2023-05-23   tz1ZQNJ2jb7WcoYjFaSsboAC6YUs1T577A95   objkt.com
					               TOTAL          4.835   +    0.069334   =   4.904334 xtz

Dec 18, 2021 was my start in generative art collecting. I have been on a strict budget although I have let that slide on occasion. I want to see this space thrive—as I believe it should. There is so much merit, beauty and creativity here.

Hatchet: Kagami #27 by Ben Lewis
Hatchet: Kagami #27 by Ben Lewis

Hatchet: Kagami by Ben Lewis has a very pleasing animation-to-draw and then comes to a final resting composition (live view of #27). Fx(hash) collector, neffnet.eth, has made some lovely plotter pieces from the Hatchet series.

ge12Z2mi023El2, 2023. qubibi.
ge12Z2mi023El2, 2023. qubibi.

ge12Z2mi023El2 by qubibi (view at objkt.com) is a striking piece that was part of the #TezQuakeAid initiative in which the Tezos community helped to support those affected by the 2023 Turkey–Syria earthquake on February 6, 2023.

Flowers #210, 2022. Gray Team.
Flowers #210, 2022. Gray Team.

I reached out to Gray Team (Manouchehr and Vahid) regarding Flowers. I had mentioned that I collected many Flowers and how I enjoy looking at them! They indicated that they worked on the project for more than 3 months. There are 29 types of different flowers and 47 different arrangement algorithms for them. The artwork has an animation-to-draw which is initially produced without color, and later is color-filled and framed (live view of #210).

Silken — The Flower, 2021. Andreas Rau.
Silken — The Flower, 2021. Andreas Rau.

Silken — The Flower by Andreas Rau (view at objkt.com), as per the artist, explores the relationship of lightness and fragility. The airiness of the structure has me pausing and observing.

Easter Egg #923, 2022. Bewelge.
Easter Egg #923, 2022. Bewelge.

Easter Egg by Bewelge feels satisfyingly minimalistic. And, hey, we have to have a little fun. "Live view" has the eggs "hatching" into unusual creatures (live view of #923). I have a private digital gallery in which I display a wall of many Easter Egg pieces. It is strangely satisfying to look at them en masse!

Radial Accretion WIP 007, 2022. d_ho__.
Radial Accretion WIP 007, 2022. d_ho__.

Radial Accretion by d_ho__ appears to be bursting with chlorophyll (view at versum.xyz). As per the artist, the pieces utilize 1D Perlin noise to drive angular position while incrementing the radius independently for each angular segment.

Long, Thin, Tubular Structure #86, 2022. hrtkassh.
Long, Thin, Tubular Structure #86, 2022. hrtkassh.

Long, Thin, Tubular Structure by hrtkassh (live view of #86) hits me in a unique way: it reminds me to maintain the lordotic curve of my lumbar spine as I sit for prolonged periods of time admiring generative art. It is striking too!

The Right Side of History, 2022, tenebris.via.
The Right Side of History, 2022, tenebris.via.

The Right Side of History by tenebris.via (view at versum.xyz) was a fundraising effort to support victims of the Ukraine invasion, and a contribution to #tezosartweek in 2022. I have long admired the work of tenebris.via and am pleased to be a collector.

Störungen #174, 2023. un_erscore.
Störungen #174, 2023. un_erscore.

Störungen by un_erscore involves lines from which a complex, seemingly biological shape emerges (live view of #174). I reached out to the artist and happened to ask about their name. Their response is below and used with permission.

"I have always liked the idea of meta-characters, that is characters that don't mean anything on their own but either stand in for other characters, like the underscore. Further, the underscore has a special significance because it mostly takes the place of a space character in places where spaces aren't allowed or ideal. In this way, it leads the thought to the spaces in between things, the emptiness, the void. I have a philosophy background, so I really like ideas like this."

Generative Cotton IV by Black Orbital
Generative Cotton IV by Black Orbital

Generative Cotton III by Black Orbital (aka Marcelo Kato) appears as a swath of cotton (view at objkt.com). My eyes scan for each little interesting nook.

Der Ast #179, 2023. un_erscore.
Der Ast #179, 2023. un_erscore.

Der Ast by un_erscore has a very interesting way of building organic shapes (live view of #179). Each open angle appears to be met with a square and the shape continues to grow.

Fern, 2021. 276.tez.
Fern, 2021. 276.tez.

As an art enthusiast that is influenced by math, Fern by 276.tez (view at objkt.com) reminded me to investigate fractals and mandelbrots, and led me to a book entitled, The Fractal Geometry of Nature, by Benoit Mandelbrot, in which he "attempts to understand quantitatively the notion of roughness". This led me to The Misbehavior of Markets: A Fractal View of Financial Turbulence which I am listening to the audiobook as I write this. He uses fractal geometry to propose a new way of describing market behavior. Fascinating!

Note: I did not use fx(text)'s Tezos pointer to link to the fx(hash) pieces in the article since objkt pieces could not also be displayed in the same manner. Both objkt and fx(hash) items have been added as standard images in the article for increased balance and readability. Below are the fx(hash) project mentions.

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project name project name project name

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project name project name project name

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