by un_erscore

Der Ast

Der Ast

28 October 2022TEZOSIPFS

Der Ast is a work which grew from a love of triganometry. The tree grows and branches
based on a fixed and finite set of rules and while this leads to some very self-similar
structures, in some cases, it generally allows for some very detailed complexity and
surprise overall.

In this system, a box is drawn and on top of it, a right-angled triangle. The triangle
has an α angle conforming to a set formula (for example, in one system the angle follows)
a sinewave along the bough). From this triangle we construct the next square/triangle
set upon the hypotenuse and, if the β is wide enough, a second branch sprouts from the
adjacent side.

This work is intended to be printed, and so included are controls to allow you to download
a high-resolution version as well as to create any aspect you wish.

- Append &dpr=x to the URL where DPR is the pixel density you want. This defaults to 2
- Append &fs=true to the URL to scale the token to the size of your browser
- Append &width=x and &height=y to the URL to scale the token to a specific size

Double-click/tap to download.




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