by meodai

Zürich Stations Grid II

Zürich Stations Grid II

4 December 2021TEZOSIPFS

This is an attempt to create as many different grids with simple rules:
Every position in the grid is 1 to 3 half circles or rectangles with a randomized starting angle between 0 and 270 degrees (In steps of 90 degrees).
The different blend-modes play with the shapes and the colors.

This piece was made in vanilla JS and the rendering is entirely done in CSS. Because of that it is printable in any size you need it to be.

The hand crafted color palettes are named after Tram-Stations in Zürich. Every
mint cycles through 5 out of more then 20 color sets.

Click () -> will yield a new grid and color palette. The combination of blend-modes and general styles stays the same for each buyer.

Keydown Arrow <- -> Change the grid inclination

Keydown Space -> Toggle Gaps

Letting my passion for creative coding and color loose




254 / 254

fixed price

2.2 TEZ

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