by Beppe

What is wrong?

What is wrong?

23 May 2022TEZOSIPFS

What is wrong?

Vanilla javascript unicode characters and css non standard 52-card deck with a spit of generative canvas based card rear pattern - output may visually vary depending on your device fonts

Some times ago I wondered if I could make a pure css full french cards deck, so I did it. Later I wanted to refactor it a bit and mint it as an interactive, maybe celebrative, crafty piece but then the idea of the experience of a wrong deck came to me.

A wrong deck is a good example of the fact that wrong and right dualism is an opposition that does not exist in physical nature, it's just a functional convention to add another temporary solid step to the stair of knowledge that inexorably sinks into the past intended as what it was and now (and only now) is no longer.

Humans observe reality and try to reverse engineer it, every time finding out relations and rules to explicate it and to separate the wrong from the right ones with the razor of dualism: is a human need and innate technique, rules do not really exist but they determine what is wrong, only existence exists. It's a never ending abstract exercise of symbols and thought. It's fallible, even when it's reference is physical nature, it's fallible even if it's addressed to perfection. Humans are trying to model their machines in the same way they have done with their fiction and science to augment their quest. Humans are trying to reduce reality as much reality as they can into symbols shorten the distance between thought and existence.

We live theoretically and die pragmatically 😉

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