by Alex.Key

Waccy - learning snake

Waccy - learning snake

20 February 2023TEZOSIPFS

Meet Waccy - a learning snake. This is my first try with generative art and was inspired by the WAC Fellowship course, where I'm participating. I consider this not an artwork, but rather a postcard which other fellows from the Cohort 2 could mint and save as a memory about WAC Fellowship.

Snake game is almost as old as a computer display. A player should try to make a snake as long as possible. Waccy snake is gathering some Web3 related tags (knowledge) and becomes a web3 literate. Waccy is smart and s/he always chooses a better option when there are multiple of them for the next step. But at some random point there is no more way and you will see a total blocks gathered and also a cloud of unpicked tags.
A tag which Waccy picked the most times will be highlighted with white (consider this as your prediction or smth ;).
Also I think that snake is some kind of a blockchain itself, when each new block is built on the previous chain. Enjoy!
Technical details

Built using p5.js and polar.p5.js. Radial pattern at the background is generated randomly of some lines, triangles, hexagons and octagons. The matrix is always 10x10. Snake randomly starts at any cell close to the center of the board. Snake always chooses the next step which is potentially better than the others (if it could go top or left, but from left there is only one step further and from top cell there are 3 ways - snake will go top). Gradient is radial with the random center but not too far from the center of the board.




37 / 100

fixed price

0.2 TEZ

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