by Mariah



26 December 2023TEZOSIPFS

FxHash genesis project by Vestica that explores the connection between technology and sexuality.

Developed by translating an auto erotic act into a visual experience using the data gathered from testing sessions of the Smart vibrator device. Each visual shape represents a portion of 15 seconds per each session and is self-generated by reading data such as body temperature, device pressure and position through time.

For ex., the colour is generated using force (gF) and temperature (C) values. As these values increase over time, the hue and saturation of the colour also increase. As shape moves inside the canvas grid simulating movement positions of the vibrator device in physical space, it creates a form that metaphorically resembles female genitalia.

By materialising an intimate act, from binary system to the visual form, the work symbolically mimics a mechanism of scientific determination of highly abstract concepts, such as erotic pleasure, engaging with the concept of disciplining the body through these rationalisations.

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Multidisciplinary artist and tech savvy. Experimenting with the position of traditional art in the context of new media.




35 / 100

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17 TEZ

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