by abetusk



20 February 2022TEZOSIPFS

"VADFAD : 1Gen" is an experimental generative art piece that attempts to highlight some of the inherent contradictions surrounding the discussion of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and its place as a vehicle for artistic creation, artistic expression and the potential of remuneration for artists.

s - Screenshot (PNG)

g - Download SVG

To the extent possible, the source code is dedicated to the public domain (CC0) and can be used for any purpose, even commercial, by anyone. All third party libraries used are libre/free. Please check individual files for their respective licenses.

The hope is that the "VADFAD : 1Gen" NFT draws a parallel to other technological trends of the past and highlights how new technologies that are only just being understood, or experimented with, can have unforeseen benefits and whose enjoyment might seem obscure to an outside observer.

The video game arcade industry helped create video game empires, drive the adoption of home video consoles and advance the proliferation of personal computers. Just as video games of the past helped promote innovative new technologies, NFTs have the potential to drive innovation in other markets that aren't well understood or explored yet.

By combing a 1980s "8-bit" aesthetic, "VADFAD : 1Gen" tries to touch on the nostalgia for the arcade video game era of the 1980s while using a generative process to create almost surely unique 8-bit like monster creations. The combination of styles is done to try emphasize the similarity between the two eras, where the exuberance for the new technology, art and entertainment of the past has a similar spirit to the exhilaration of the present.

"VADFAD : 1Gen" is a continuation of "VADFAD" incorporating different compositions, color palettes and export options.

This work hopes to add to the conversation about examining the reality of the ecosystem that we've developed around digital goods and intellectual property.

This work takes inspiration from the artist `Jared Tarbel`.

Libre/free advocate




35 / 35

fixed price


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