by SamuelYAN



12 December 2023TEZOSIPFS

“unTie” is a work for VolumeDAO x fxhash Curated Series “Ties”

I'm sure many of you, like me, are not people who actively put their true feelings out there. This may be what is often referred to as introversion and shyness. However, our inner world is often very full of emotions. We have that one switch or lock on the door of our heart that is usually closed. It's used to protect ourselves, or to hide ourselves. But, we also need that one moment to let the budding emotions inside us blossom. Yes, maybe it's now! It's time to untie that knot that's been tied for a long time, let the cheer be released, let's cheers, and let's celebrate!

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By Samuel YAN
Made with p5.js / glsl

Creative coder with a background in music and painting. For him, the concept of “ME” is a source to channel human relationships in artistic forms. He utilizes cubism, computation, and randomity to reflect on the sounds of contemporary urban life.




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10 TEZ

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