by RosbelDev

Tropical Savannah

Tropical Savannah

11 June 2023TEZOSIPFS

In the past I carried out two projects related to recursive trees. First it was "Lonely Tree", then "Forest", you can take a look if you like to know them.

Now I present to you "Sabana Tropical", with a series of extra elements that allow you to customize your edition. Everything is done in 100% javascript, using p5js.

Explanation of the parameters:
✅[ Seed ]: Guarantees that you mint what. Controls the shapes of the trees and the position of the elements on the canvas. In the same way it controls the disposition of the colors in each element.
✅[ Density ] : Controls the density of the vegetation. But attention, if the value is smaller the vegetation will be greater
✅[ nBirds ] : Controls the number of birds drawn on the canvas
✅[ birdSize] : Control the size of the birds
✅[ moonSize] : Controls the size of the Moon
✅[ Color palette ] : Select between 80 color palettes to randomly fill the elements of the canvas

To download the image press [ s ], be patient.

by RosbelDev

I make art based on javascript code.
I like algorithms and solving problems.

Math + JS = Good




4 / 100

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project is currently disabled by author

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