Tone Row
14 May 2024•TEZOS•IPFS
Tone Row
Audiovisual composition. Click anywhere to start/stop the sound.
“Tone Row” is a text-score from the book “ImageAudio: A Post-Digital Event Score Anthology” by Zach Dawson (22.02.24). This NFT is my realisation of ‘Tone Row’, the last text score from the book. With each iteration, the algorithm composes a new, unique piece of music along with an audio-reactive animation, executing one possible take on the text score.
Tone Row (text-score by Zach Dawson):
“Source 12 separate micro sound samples.
Pitch shift each sample to 12 separate pitches.
Compose music with the tone row of samples.”
ImageAudio book:
Commissioned by Zach Dawson, author of the ImageAudio project.
Music, visuals, and composition coded by Adam Łukawski (sunsetsobserver).
Background images come from the ImageAudio book, initiated by Zach Dawson and designed by Richard Stenton.
Handjet font designed by Rosetta, David Březina and served under the Open Font License.
Libraries used:
Hydra Video Synth
Please note that on iOS the sound playback might not work if the device is in mute mode.
Find more of my projects at:
Audiovisual composition. Click anywhere to start/stop the sound.
“Tone Row” is a text-score from the book “ImageAudio: A Post-Digital Event Score Anthology” by Zach Dawson (22.02.24). This NFT is my realisation of ‘Tone Row’, the last text score from the book. With each iteration, the algorithm composes a new, unique piece of music along with an audio-reactive animation, executing one possible take on the text score.
Tone Row (text-score by Zach Dawson):
“Source 12 separate micro sound samples.
Pitch shift each sample to 12 separate pitches.
Compose music with the tone row of samples.”
ImageAudio book:
Commissioned by Zach Dawson, author of the ImageAudio project.
Music, visuals, and composition coded by Adam Łukawski (sunsetsobserver).
Background images come from the ImageAudio book, initiated by Zach Dawson and designed by Richard Stenton.
Handjet font designed by Rosetta, David Březina and served under the Open Font License.
Libraries used:
Hydra Video Synth
Please note that on iOS the sound playback might not work if the device is in mute mode.
Find more of my projects at:
Music composer innovating at the nexus of computer-assisted music composition and posthuman artistic research. Co-authored "Decentralised Music" (CRC Press/Taylor&Francis).
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