by thingticketNFT

timetraveller: a strange world

timetraveller: a strange world

11 December 2021TEZOSIPFS

in another life i was born in a place where time had no meaning.
i existed in a space with no volume.
a thousand times over i died without ever hearing a sound.

a flickering point of light in a sea of nothingness.
deprived of physicality - i felt whole.
unable to speak - i was filled with intense joy.

one day i woke up in a strange world -
a flood of lights and sounds and feelings
wrapped its arms around me as if i were prey.

and tho ive become accustomed to the tight embrace
and sometimes i find it enjoyable
i like to go back home when i can.

made with hydra (

token features "red" "green" and "blue" are used to randomly produce color palettes.
"time factor" changes the period of various cycles.
"glitch invert" inverses the palatte of the top layer and adds a jarring glitch effect.

cross-chain multimedia cryptoartist
tw @thingticket




25 / 25

fixed price

0.25 TEZ

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