by abetusk

Through a Pixel, Darkly

Through a Pixel, Darkly

10 March 2022TEZOSIPFS

"Through a Pixel, Darkly" is a small experimental generative art piece that attempts to highlight some of the inherent contradictions surrounding the discussion of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and its place as a vehicle for artistic creation, artistic expression and the potential of remuneration for artists.


r - reset animation

s - take screenshot

a - save animation (advanced users)

To the extent possible, the source code is dedicated to the public domain (CC0) and can be used for any purpose, even commercial, by anyone. Third party libraries are used that are not under a CC0 license but instead are libre/free licensed, allowing for commercial reuse (please see the LICENSE section for more details).

Arguments against NFTs and cryptocurrencies are often against aspects of the financial system but, instead, focus on NFTs and cryptocurrencies that are replicating or complementing those services. Criticisms against NFTs and cryptocurrencies that can be easily supplanted with central banks, cash, credit card companies, online market places, online payment processors or money transfer services are not arguments against NFTs or cryptocurrencies, specifically, but against a general financial system.

Many aspects of NFTs and cryptocurrencies deserve scrutiny, criticism, oversight and critical assessment. When arguments against NFTs and cryptocurrencies use the same tactics of psychological manipulation, emotional pleas and coercion, it does a disservice to anyone pursing truth.

This work hopes to add to the conversation about examining the reality of the ecosystem that we've developed around digital goods and intellectual property.

Libre/free advocate




5 / 5

fixed price


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