This is the lie

This is the lie

31 January 2023TEZOSIPFS

The Project of the Nameless Sheep stems from an artistic and provocative necessity that aims to conceptually unite the Orwellian philosophy of 1984 with the thoughts of the great master Modigliani. The latter once stated, "I shall paint your eyes only when I know your soul."

The collection is a cry of disagreement towards destructive and uncontrollable globalization. It draws inspiration from an impersonal observation of modern society, critically examining historical events, corporations, and notable figures who have sold their soul for individualistic power that disregards the lives of others and the environment.

An ever-evolving project that will mature its search for soulless bodies over time.

1984 token, at a price as provocative as the theme of the collection.

Any reference to individuals, things or concepts is entirely coincidental and generated by a hash.

Graphic collages and image manipulation. Provocative works, a call to action to question the status quo.




1000 / 1000

fixed price

0.1 TEZ

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