by Kusamehewa



4 November 2023TEZOSIPFS

We believe we have created a generative art piece which has the potential to be beautiful, to occasionally surprise and delight. To occasionally quieten the mind. We hope you enjoy it.

Thirteen colours.
576 subtly different variations available via keyboard interaction.

1, 2 & 3 will change visible colour layers.
Q/q will switch between square and non-square layouts and toggle the border patterns on and off.
W/w will cycle between 3 border options.
E/e will cycle between 8 background options - if the default is no background then click E/e twice to activate.
R/r will cycle between 4 central motif rotation options.
Most of these key presses will activate a complete redraw which may take a second or two for the more detailed patterns.

The patterns exist, inherent in the nature of this mathematical universe. Like a sculptor releasing a figure already contained within a block of wood, I release the patterns already contained in relationships between numbers and space.




256 / 256

fixed price

0.7 TEZ

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