by Elout de Kok

theboard002 fxhash template

theboard002 fxhash template

8 November 2023TEZOSIPFS

vanilla javascript & with fxhash.js (november 2023 version)
Using an index.html and fxhash.js - 8.22kb zipped no other libraries used

s: save image
the drawing will restart after a few seconds

Using the oldskool Canvas API drawing routines this time.
you can do some nice drawing-experiments with the old cavas api,
but next would be something like svg. maybe I write another tutorial-template for that; one day.

Vanilla javascript can be a bit more advanced tech for new coders,
p5.js is more user friendly to get started for total newbies.
But one moment maybe you want to start creating your own libraries for total pixel-control.

Wrote an article `theBoard` on fxhash, where I try to explain the different parts in the code.

First is getting that car and engine running,
then the creative part starts, more-less, fine-tuning etc.

. . -_____- xxx amsterdam chill'n out =______=

love for pixels, art & code since 1982
Amsterdam xxx




26 / 32

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0.5 TEZ

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