by Elout de Kok
theboard v.004
26 November 2023•TEZOS•IPFS
s: save .png
v: save .svg
click: change color mode
vanilla javascript - fxhash template
no extra libraries used. 14kb zipped now (still not minified)
using, drawing and saving .svg vectors images
including a 'simple' soft_3Dengine with some matrix magic
some browsers, can render .svg 'funky' see that as a bonus =____=
the `basic` 3D engine includes
start with a simple rectangle, 4 points
rotating / scaling / translate it in 3D
and convert the 3D points to the screen again.
simple z-sorting of all the rectangles.
draw the furthest away first, then draw the shapes that are closer and closer
simple lightning-shadows
using the normal/rotation- angle of each rectangle, and distance to a 'light'
the images and thumbnails will save with (semi)transparent backgrounds
the background color animation layer, is added for the funk. .___.
Feel free parts of the source, to setup your own engine 'n tech.
when I start drawing those squares, and finetuning numbers/colors, that's my part though.
so no 1/1 copy. re-releases! so no re-release copies, where you changed just some numbers.. plz.
people will notice! heh..
you should start kinda from scratch again, like with 1 rectangle, do something completely different
and then draw your own roads, worlds. and paintbombs. go finetune and jimi hendrix on it
I used some matrix functions written/compiled by Simon Yeung,
Simon wrote some great tutorials, more information and links in the source.
you should do/keep the credit and links in the source, if you use that matrix part.
So I hope you get that thing on the road,
and start drawing and exploring yourself.
fxhash thumbnail settings: fxpreview() From <canvas> canvas#my_canvas
14kb zipped including fxhash.js
Try to explain it a bit in a vid-tutorial later, when the time is right.
and the latest updates/bugfixes etc. for tb004 will be, on my fxhash article/dump 'the board'
the version on fxhash released/minted is theboard v.004i
maybe a future version-experiment can include also custom clipping, for better plotting control.
But then I should build like a hybrid vector and bitmap environment.
In the bitmap image, you can keep track, if things already been draw there
and then you know, where the line should stop drawing. thx user: greweb for that info.
the black n' white version, is more a test for plotting
the transparent colored version, is a more that funky animation type
When you want to plot it, you have to do the clipping in other software
user: revdancatt made a video-tutorial about that thx! 0__.
have fun!
.__0 xxx amsterdam chill'n out =______=
wish you all a good week! nov26 2023
v: save .svg
click: change color mode
vanilla javascript - fxhash template
no extra libraries used. 14kb zipped now (still not minified)
using, drawing and saving .svg vectors images
including a 'simple' soft_3Dengine with some matrix magic
some browsers, can render .svg 'funky' see that as a bonus =____=
the `basic` 3D engine includes
start with a simple rectangle, 4 points
rotating / scaling / translate it in 3D
and convert the 3D points to the screen again.
simple z-sorting of all the rectangles.
draw the furthest away first, then draw the shapes that are closer and closer
simple lightning-shadows
using the normal/rotation- angle of each rectangle, and distance to a 'light'
the images and thumbnails will save with (semi)transparent backgrounds
the background color animation layer, is added for the funk. .___.
Feel free parts of the source, to setup your own engine 'n tech.
when I start drawing those squares, and finetuning numbers/colors, that's my part though.
so no 1/1 copy. re-releases! so no re-release copies, where you changed just some numbers.. plz.
people will notice! heh..
you should start kinda from scratch again, like with 1 rectangle, do something completely different
and then draw your own roads, worlds. and paintbombs. go finetune and jimi hendrix on it
I used some matrix functions written/compiled by Simon Yeung,
Simon wrote some great tutorials, more information and links in the source.
you should do/keep the credit and links in the source, if you use that matrix part.
So I hope you get that thing on the road,
and start drawing and exploring yourself.
fxhash thumbnail settings: fxpreview() From <canvas> canvas#my_canvas
14kb zipped including fxhash.js
Try to explain it a bit in a vid-tutorial later, when the time is right.
and the latest updates/bugfixes etc. for tb004 will be, on my fxhash article/dump 'the board'
the version on fxhash released/minted is theboard v.004i
maybe a future version-experiment can include also custom clipping, for better plotting control.
But then I should build like a hybrid vector and bitmap environment.
In the bitmap image, you can keep track, if things already been draw there
and then you know, where the line should stop drawing. thx user: greweb for that info.
the black n' white version, is more a test for plotting
the transparent colored version, is a more that funky animation type
When you want to plot it, you have to do the clipping in other software
user: revdancatt made a video-tutorial about that thx! 0__.
have fun!
.__0 xxx amsterdam chill'n out =______=
wish you all a good week! nov26 2023
love for pixels, art & code since 1982
Amsterdam xxx
64 / 64
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