by Collapsar Beaut...

The Way of Thinking

The Way of Thinking

28 August 2023TEZOSIPFS

How do thoughts form and evolve? Do they harmonize or stand alone? Do they collide or coalesce? In "The Way of Thinking" I’ve tried to capture the essence of thought — the raw genesis, the dynamic transformation, and the interplay of associations in the mind's labyrinthine corridors.

I was longly inspired by the strict bounds of math and physics. Now it’s a time to set myself free into an unpredictable organic world. This artwork is my first exploration of differential growth algorithms where each particle moves, interacts with others, and multiplies as thoughts in our minds.

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Made with love and p5js.

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[1] - save PNG at current resolution
[2] - save PNG 5000 x 5000
[3] - save PNG 5000 x 5000 without grain

Software developer.
At the beginning of the way of a generative artist.




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