by EndlessWorld

The Thickness of Time

The Thickness of Time

15 December 2023ETHEREUMIPFS

Complex patterns stem from the overlay of simple shapes, and an extensive history arises from the interweaving of random events. Time, once gone, never returns, yet every moment leaves its mark on the wall. In this work, we delve into the significance of sedimentation—experiencing the accumulation and outcomes brought about by the occurrence, alteration, movement, and demise of individual events. Perhaps, it's these successive imprints of change, the alternating patterns of old and new, that truly define the depth of time itself.

I have used animation to simulate the progression of things and the flow of time. In different stages of creation, various colors and styles dominate, yet no one can predict what the wall will look like in a few seconds. Each event, when it occurs, presents one aspect, but the subsequent strokes overlay to create a different impression. Hence, singling out the meaning of one event, disregarding all others, is precisely the most meaningless act. Perhaps the greatest impact time brings us is the change in our perception of reality. It's a complex series of interlinked, random changes: past events influencing the development of subsequent ones, while future events alter the presentation of past occurrences. We can neither retrieve the time that has passed nor completely isolate the present moment. We can only sense all the past 'sedimentation,' experience the 'thickness of time,' through the wall.

This is a generation artwork made by pure code.
In live mode, press 's' or 'S' to save a high resolution png.

Please be patient with drawing process (it'll take about 1~2 minutes in my computer).

Dec, 2023

Deconstruction the Reality with Mathematics + Programming + Art




2 / 200

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0.015 ETH


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