by Christophe "Ulu...

The summoning

The summoning

11 October 2022TEZOSIPFS

The summoning

When the stars align, who know what horrors lurks in the depth of the night?

An illustrative poster for a seasonal movie.
Each seed creates its own little greys to come and summon a tentacular beast from the earth, or maybe from space.

Fully procedural realtime javascript / webgl.
Warning: This piece is GPU intensive, it may not render on lower end devices. Desktop / Chrome recommended.

Happy Halloween!

Controls :
After the end of the animation
- Mouse wheel/middle/ Pinch : Zoom
- After zoom, Mouse left / Drag : Pan
- Press "space" to pause the animation.
- Press "t" to toggle the show/hide the title.
- Press "r" to restart the animation.
- Press "p" to export a portrait of your alien.
- Export a PNG capture at various resolutions by pressing the number keys 1 to 9 (top row or numpad, and only in live mode, after pressing "open"). Resolutions ranges from 720 to 7680 pixels for the smallest dimension. I recommend starting with "4" and going from there.

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