by Xeronimo

The Rings of Noise

The Rings of Noise

12 December 2021TEZOSIPFS

Watch the rings appear out of the void.

Unlike a similar (limited) series over on HEN this piece uses the noise function (seeded with the hash of your wallet) to create the rings. There are 3 additional variables:
maximal diameter, minimal diameter and number of iterations until the drawing of new rings stops. There’s also a 10% chance of having a white on black image, and a 1% chance of having a red stroke.

Press ‘g’ to show/hide the grain added at the end (whitw background only)
Press ‘x’ to shatter the circle (and reverse it)
Press ‘s’ to save a high res version of your image (5000x5000 pixels) and look at the details more closely!

@jeromeherrcc (2021)

weaving with code since 2015




64 / 64

fixed price

0.96 TEZ

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