by neophob

The Machine: Random Access Memory

The Machine: Random Access Memory

13 January 2023TEZOSIPFS

"The Machine: Random Access Memory" is a collection of 111 generative compositions.

"The Machine: Random Access Memory" uses a virtualized pinball machine as data source and visualize the machines inner working, uncovering beautiful and unexpected patterns which were hidden to the world until now. Code that was written 30 years ago is used as a source to build a new, interesting representation of the machine.

In the composition you see the Random Access Memory of the machine, mapped in an artistic form. The algorithm contains 10 different palettes, dynamic frame size, different block sizes and dynamically select interesting memory regions to visualize.

Special Features:
- Press "c" to create new piece
- Press "g" - enable gallery mode, recreate a new piece each 60s

You can play with the pinbal emulator emulator on

Generative Art created by Michael Vogt (@neophob).

Neophob fell in love with retro game consoles and pinball machines which are used as data source to visualise the machines inner working, uncovering beautiful and unexpected patterns which were hidden to the world until now.




40 / 111

fixed price

1.84 TEZ

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