by __Reiji_c

The Lasting Legacy Wall

The Lasting Legacy Wall

4 January 2023TEZOSIPFS

A fractal wall, with layers deep
A structure that will never sleep
Endless patterns, infinite design
A beauty that will always shine

Through time and space, through light and dark
It stands, a work of art
A symbol of the world's complexity
A reminder of all that we can be

Through twists and turns, through ups and downs
It stands, a sight to astound
A wall of wonder, a wall of might
A wall that stands through day and night

So let us marvel at this wall divine
And let its mystery be our guiding shine
For a million years it stands with grace
A fractal wonder of time and space.

In live mode Press "s" to save image (2160 x 2160).

The Lasting Legacy Wall by __Reiji_c
Made with vanilla javascript + (roughjs MIT License (c) Preet Shihn)

Creating unique and mesmerizing digital artworks using code. Exploring the intersection of art, technology, and creativity.




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