by Dr. Bill Kolomy...

The Glyph Eye

The Glyph Eye

17 September 2023TEZOSIPFS

This generative artwork was inspired by a set of glyphs designed by my friend Chris Scussel. The glyph set is a collection of 256 unique symbols that are similar to symbol fonts in appearance.

Chris created his glyphs in PostScript. After analyzing them, I was able to write simple JavaScript routines to draw each glyph based on a number pair.

I put my glyph generating code to the test by employing my "Boxes" scheme. Within that scheme, I use a variety of random techniques to place and choose individual glyphs, as well as several approaches to add color. Ninety percent of the time, I color the image, but ten percent of the time, I fall back to black and white to honor the original design.

I find the image visually interesting because the design of the glyphs and their placement with respect to each other within the picture space exhibit many gestalt principles. Moreover, the Boxes algorithm subjectively produces a perceptible "eye" in the viewer's mind, which is another gestalt event.


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I've been involved in making art with the computer since the early 1970's. I’m one of the few early pioneers who’s still practicing Generative Art today.




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