The Gate
14 August 2022•TEZOS•IPFS
The eye is a wonder; A wet, always stabilized marble which records with 576 Megapixels in a 120 degree field of view every second of our waking time!
Definitely such an image is large in size, more interesting is how this information goes through a slimy intertwined red mass to the brain, yet some are saved and some aren't!
The saved information will not be completely recoverable. Some are though, as you read this paragraph, you can imagine how some information can be recovered in a specific way!
Projecting the information inside the brain as an image is partially possible thanks to some technologies, but there is not much out yet. Now the saved image in our brain, which can be partially remembered, forms most of our reality, mostly images with some smell, taste and sound information.
I feel the most important part is the visual; Information is saved in the brain's database from the moment we are born, there's also an agent to access the information, which I suppose is the same as the one we talk to inside of our head, or the sound we think with :)
Each time we decide, speak or generally act, the agent rapidly brings some fuzzy information which becomes practical soon, we often insist on them and call it our character!
Of course, all written is my personal opinion and the result of my latest conversation with my therapist. Recently We've been talking about such subjects and it's very interesting to me, resulting in such designs.
This is an abstract design of the eye and layers of visual Information which are constantly saved.
Press "s" key to save in 3096 * 3096px
Made with p5.js
Definitely such an image is large in size, more interesting is how this information goes through a slimy intertwined red mass to the brain, yet some are saved and some aren't!
The saved information will not be completely recoverable. Some are though, as you read this paragraph, you can imagine how some information can be recovered in a specific way!
Projecting the information inside the brain as an image is partially possible thanks to some technologies, but there is not much out yet. Now the saved image in our brain, which can be partially remembered, forms most of our reality, mostly images with some smell, taste and sound information.
I feel the most important part is the visual; Information is saved in the brain's database from the moment we are born, there's also an agent to access the information, which I suppose is the same as the one we talk to inside of our head, or the sound we think with :)
Each time we decide, speak or generally act, the agent rapidly brings some fuzzy information which becomes practical soon, we often insist on them and call it our character!
Of course, all written is my personal opinion and the result of my latest conversation with my therapist. Recently We've been talking about such subjects and it's very interesting to me, resulting in such designs.
This is an abstract design of the eye and layers of visual Information which are constantly saved.
Press "s" key to save in 3096 * 3096px
Made with p5.js
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Generative Artist
24 / 64
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0.5 TEZ
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