by HatimKr

The Cosmos

The Cosmos

21 December 2022TEZOSIPFS

In astronomy, kosmos refers to the entire physical cosmos as a cohesive whole (from the Greek kosmos, which means "order," "harmony," and "the world"). Humanity's increasing comprehension of all the things and occurrences in the universe.

To understand how the world works, we must first investigate the fundamental components of our existence - time, space, energy and matter - and how they operate under the extraordinary physical conditions that define the infant and evolving Universe.

Scientists, particularly astrophysicists, are directly tackling fundamental issues concerning the nature of complicated astrophysical phenomena such as black holes, neutron stars, dark energy, and gravitational waves. Their ultimate, overarching objective is to learn more about the genesis and purpose of existence of the cosmos by employing a fleet of space-based missions operating across the whole electromagnetic spectrum.

The universe is largely made up of both helium and hydrogen. Indeed, these two elements account for 98% of all observable substance in the cosmos. Nonetheless, our planet and everything in it—even life itself—are only imaginable due to the presence of heavier elements including iron, silicon, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, and a plethora of others.

However, all of this comprehension leaded through the quest of the meaning of the cosmos, which originated with the emergence of life, will vanish with its conclusion. That leaves us only one realization: we are responsible with discovering our own meaning during our brief stint in the sun.

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KrouniHatim - Dec22
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