The Color of Cities

The Color of Cities

19 June 2022TEZOSIPFS

City. Perhaps It is the best work of art that humans and nature create together. Inspired by numerous city landscape photos, "The Color of Cities" series abstracts the city's repeating days.

Each city in the work repeats a day with different weather, color and detailed compositions. A day is divided into three sessions (Morning/Sunset/Night), each lasting for 20 seconds.
A day here is equivalent to one minute in our real world. After one minute passes, another day begins with the same settings.

- Weather: Clear / Snow(I/II) / Rain(I/II)
- Morning: 6 color palettes
- Sunset: 12 color palettes
- Night: 8 color palettes
- Street light types: White / Orange
- Special night event: None / Fireworks / SkyLanterns
- Moon: 9 modes
- Sun: 3 modes
- Meteors: 4 levels
- Stars: 4 levels
- Vehicles: 4 levels
- Buildings: 2 modes

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[left click on the sky] add stars (temporarily)

Enjoy this small world!

Made with P5.js
NFT License 2.0

By CSLIM, 2022

AI/Generative artist in South Korea.
Reinterpreting traditional arts using AI and creative coding.




19 / 500

fixed price

70 TEZ

project is currently disabled by author

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