by HatimKr

The Chiaroscuro Flow

The Chiaroscuro Flow

30 November 2022TEZOSIPFS

Chiaroscuro is an Italian term that means "light-dark". Strong tonal contrasts are frequently used in paintings to imply the volume and modeling of the subjects being portrayed.
The contrast is created by the use of light and shade in a painting, drawing, or print. The main idea behind chiaroscuro is that shading best creates a sense of volume in two-dimensional figures by creating the effect of light falling on a form, which best achieves solidity.
The Chiaroscuro flow project is an animated interpretation of the Chiaroscuro principle that adds a collision of animated darkened curved bold strings that symbolize the flow of the darkness within lightened vectors to balance highly contrasted light and shade on a two-dimensional plane. Using that, we create three-dimensionality by darkening the strings on the background sometimes and transitioning it to the foreground another time, also applying the same process by highlighting the vectors in the foreground and also in the background.

You can control speed and reverse rotation with the two keys "+" and "-".
You can control the "lightness" of the vectors with the two keys "q" and "s".
You can control the ball "opacity" using the two keys "e" and "r"

Press [p] to save captured image to png (1100pxx1100px)
Click [the left mouse button] to pause/start

Created using vanilla javascript
KrouniHatim - Nov22
(CC BY-ND 4.0)

Digital Artist/NFT Creator




19 / 1024

fixed price

0.9 TEZ

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