by Lazar Geisel, Ivo Milicevic

Tempus Fugit

Tempus Fugit

17 November 2022TEZOSIPFS

As we're growing up, time is just a number we often don't even notice.
We notice its passing but rarely consider the importance of its true value.


As we get older, we tend to see time from a different angle and, yet again, we miss what it really means... Our focus is on other things. Other "more important" things, such as money, but only a few of us understand that everything in life doesn't have a price, but rather a cost.

And while we can always earn more and more money, time is something we can't buy nor earn more of. That's the problem with time; we can never get it back. There's not enough money in this world that could give us more time.

This work is focusing on that fact. Do we still have time? With all that is happening in the world right now, climate change, pollution, and the recent possibility of nuclear war, our "dark and gloomy" art is a reminder of what could happen to all of us...


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Made with p5.js, November 2022

Software Developer / Generative Artist / Classical Musician

Artist, publisher (Croatia and UK), printer- art prints, magazines and limited editions of the books, art promoter and a lifetime guitarist !




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