by shuhblam

survival in the city

survival in the city

14 January 2022TEZOSIPFS

Every day all around the world, virtual or physical, cities are buzzing with their sounds. 24/7 365, in whatever world is home, inhabitants are moving about and making their impact. Each circle represents an inhabitant. Every inhabitant has the opportunity to influence those around them. With each individual we come into close contact with, we have a chance to learn, experience a different perspective, interact, and share what it is within us that makes us feel alive.

This piece serves as a reminder that inhabitants need each other to survive. If they take the time to acknowledge the humanity and individuality in one another, they will thrive together.

This piece is inspired by conversations with strangers, by this song and by Dave the Minion.

It is coded with js with the help of p5js.

Click the mouse to redraw
Press "s" to save

Good luck out there...

software dev. photographer.




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