6 July 2022•TEZOS•IPFS
Subliminal is a conceptual art collection, which uses literature, and randomly generated highlights, to brings to those who mint, an original, and unique experience, related to them, and the instant moment of time, when the NFT is minted.
I decided to name this collection Subliminal because, whenever someone mints an NFT in this collection, they get the NFT they were destined to get, which in turn possibly also contains a meaningful message, that can shed more light into ones life. I say "destined" because even if the minting is randomized, if we would go back in time, and every event happened the exact same way, a person will always get the same NFT. Maybe things are not that random after all... So all that is left is to reveal what destiny has reserved for you.
It may happen that the highlights might not always make sense, or so it can seem... Though don't forget, to have a look at the page which you happen to mint too, which minimally might end up being an enjoyable reading.
For the Volume 1 of Subliminal, the book The Great Gatsby was used as foundation(a public domain published version). I have removed only some pages such as Table of Contents and other unrelated pages to the main content of the book. The list of elements of this collection is below:
Book pages: 244
Unique Highlights: 693
This collection is made with layered composition.