by nhephex



21 August 2022TEZOSIPFS

This project is Generative Layered PNGs files.

Own your fighters to be the strongest one.

1. Babe Ble - She has yellow hair, big boobs and very strong slap.

2. Benjie - He has a big body and eat like a pro.

3. Blong - An alien from a nearby planet, who wants to be number one!

4. Booby Sue - She is so cute with pink short hair. Her body is perfect.

5. Brain Stew - He used to be a human, but after he died, Doctor Know wake him up from his dead and he still wants to be the strongest!!?? what?

6. Butthead Boo - Also an aliean from the same planet as Blong. His head looks like butt.

7. Craby - He used to be a crab so his name is Craby. After radiation leaked from a lab, Craby became big like a human, and he wants to be the strongest fighter, why?

8. Cuppy Crab - An alien indeed and his head is like a cup. His body is so big and he can fight. He's so strong too.

9. Dead Elon - One eye alien from Musky planet.

10. Doctor Know - The smartest man in the universe! He did a lot of missions about fighting and healing people and aliens.

11. Doory - Scary alien from outer space. Don't underestimate him.

12. Fire Colly - His body is fire and hot like hell!

13. Fishy Dee - An alien who lives underwater. His head is like a fish and his talent is unknown.

14. Forest Freak - He used to be a human but after he was lost in a deep forest, he ate something and became Forest Freak... uhhh

15. Ghostly Glick - Returning from his death, Ghostly Glick wants to be the strongest fighter!

16. Glog - No data about him, but all we know, he loves cooking.

17. Goldice - A prince from Xero empire who wears golden helmet and also very good at fighting.

18. Green Killa - An ninja alien who is so dangerous. Beware his weapons!

19. Green Tinman - Actually he is a robot but very good at fighting, so...

20. Gysoliam - An alien from another planet too. Gysoliam can cast spell and very good at magic.

21. Half Face Max - After his accident, half his head was replace by a machine. Doctor Know did that to safe his life but now he wants to be the strongest one!

22. King Sky - Unknown skill alien with his red face is so scary!

23. Knight Night - Strongest knight from ancient war. His sword covers with blood.

24. Long Necky - Long Necky is a cruel monster.

25. Melter Bon - Liquid body Melter Bon can kill anything!

26. Mister Bulp - A robot with high technology weapon.

27. Mousick - The only mutant animal from a mouse to a man.

28. Patompon Patompon - A farmer who has a great gift of fighting with anything he can grab.

29. Peter Maker - A salaryman who quited his job to become a full-time fighter!

30. Picolone - A strange alien from Picoly Planet. Very good at moving fast.

31. Ping Ping - Yellow alien from Weexy Planet.

32. Pinman - A dangerous man on earth.

33. Puncy Punch - His head looks like a punch. And his skill is punching.

34. Pyto - A green alien with many hands on his head.

35. Red Alter - King of deamons from Hellish Planet. Very tough.

36. Red Dice - An alien whose look similar to a giant worm!

37. Redy One Eye - One eye alien from Wing Planet. Good at bare hand fighting.

38. Sammy - A boxer, a father, a nice friend. He is one of the greatest boxer in history!

39. Shite Facial - An alien from Shite Planet. His smell is very bad.

40. Siemoney -A green body alien but the body is like human. He has very strong pyscho weapons.

41. Spring - A strange alien from Sixoo Planet.

42. Sputnix - Three fingers alien who used to be a general before.

43. Trash Art - An alien from TezTrash Planet!

44. Tree Hand - A tree that became a monster!

45. Tree Mellow - A tree that became a monster, too!

46. Two Heads Fam - Two aliens from XX Planet merged into one body and very powerful!

47. Vargrin - Lord Vargrin is from Vagily Planet!

48. Weedy - Green alien from Weedo Planet. His ability is so strange!

49. Who Older - A weird man with ? mask who is the older brother.

50. Who Younger - A weird man with ? mask who is the younger brother.

And let the legend begins....

The power score can be varied from 0 to 10.

Best of Luck!

Part-time NFTs creator. Love Pixel Arts.
I don't use AI. My project is my original work only.
Drawing is vital to me no matter it comes out to be.
Childish art? Freak art? Confusion art? Weird art?
Whatever as long as I draw it... even pixel art!




15 / 100

fixed price


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