by danieljulia.tez

Spring has finally arrived

Spring has finally arrived

4 April 2023TEZOSIPFS

This is the fixed version of the previous project titled "Spring is back" which I had to burn due to a bug that was discovered after it was published. The bug occurred in the way the flowers were drawn, as they did not erase the background, leaving behind a visible trail. The bug is fixed, and there are also some small improvements that have been made.
It works with several 16 fx(params) and 5 fx(features):


- Frame border width
- Sun position and size
- Aspect ratio and layout
- Trunk direction
- Sub-branch probability
- Branch length
- Branch segments
- Trunk width
- Trunk stopping prob.
- Subtrunk prob.
- Flower size
- Flower prob.
- Trunk number
- Trunk width


- Color palette
- Color mode (normal, monochrome)
- Striped Tree (true,false)
- IsSpoiled (rare feature)
- HasLeaves (true,false)

This project is an evolution of the previous "Spring will be back again"
It has in common most of its characteristics but with only a selection of color palettes and other things like:

- Just a few public features compared to the previous version
- The sun is always drawn as full (without the stroked version)
- The tree trunk can have a striped texture
- There is a "spoiled" glitchy version quite rare (2.5%)
- There is a new command ("f" key) that makes the tree reflourish

As the previous version this project aims to capture the essence of the Japanese hanami experience where people gather to admire the fleeting beauty of the cherry blossom.

It's a representation of the beauty of an unreal nature where the details of the leaves and flowers are imaginary and always different.

Crafted entirely with lines of code in vanilla javascript, without the use of reference images or templates.

Each time the animation is played, it generates a different version of the blossom trees, while still maintaining the features defined by the underlying token.

You may also change the resolution, or toggle the animation mode.


[1] Low resolution
[2] Normal resolution
[3] High res
[4] Super high res
[5] Print res (not animated)

[a] or [space] Reload in animation mode
[s] Reload in static mode
[d] Download snapshot in current resolution

[f] Reflourish

May be unresponsive on higher resolutions (in those cases turning off the animation mode is recommended)

Generative artist - Creative coder - Barcelona -
Canvas - Vanilla Javascript - Interactive/Generative animations




100 / 100

fixed price

16 TEZ

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