by V4w.enko

Spiral Frames

Spiral Frames

6 September 2024BASEIPFS

"Spiral Frames" are the simple clusters rotating around the three centroids according to the cosine waves forming the complex structure. The color procedural palette is generating unique color harmony for each iteration. The balance in between spontaneous random number and strong geometric model is the topic of research for this artwork. The result is square canvas of digital abstract art in stochastic manner when the strong hierarchy of shapes is disrupted by controlled chaos allowing to see life of digital variations with each new iteration of the code.

- Press "s" key on the keyboard to save generated result in 5000*5000px lossless PNG image to file.

V4w.enko is a media artist. Media composition since 2007. Architect in Max/msp/jitter/m4l, PD, Grasshopper3d, p5js, NFT creator.




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0.0007 ETH (Base)

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