by p5wie

Spectromove I.

Spectromove I.
1 / 20

4 September 2022TEZOSIPFS

Trying to catch the naturally imprecise quality of hand drawings, this on evolved for a long time. First from a single-image to a composition of multiple images, with the occasional splashes of color.
Also reminds me of spectrograms made of planets as they travel in front of their central stars.

It is recommended to display the artwork on a large screen to enable the details to show.
- 5 color palettes
- 8 possible drawings at most on the canvas
- Can be Portrait or Landscape orientation

Press "s" to save the high-res image.

Inspired by the hand drawings of Gyarmathy.

Coder and art lover;




27 / 200

fixed price

0.5 TEZ

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