by DrAbstract

Signals from Origin 5 - Discussion

Signals from Origin 5 - Discussion

17 June 2022TEZOSIPFS

Dawn of Origin 5 is a dual Moog song.
The left side was recorded live first
and the right side was played live over top.
The song was created for Gorgolon, a story of
an underwater civilization in 1994.

Origin 5 was the fifth AI direction
to save a planet as water levels increased.
They were to form bubbles from glass made
where ocean sands met molten core
and blown with chrome tubes.

Gorgolonians live in the bubbles.
They heat air at the base which rises
and sucks air down from the surface.
They fly red chrome saucers through the tubes
and report findings to Origin 5.

The story was made into a Dan Zen multi-user Web game
in 1996 to spot the artificial intelligence.

Signals from Origin 5 captures the communication
between the two Moogs with an exciting visualization.
The original song has been broken into 5 movements:
Contact, Agreement, Transfer, Discussion, Farewell.

Please see Dr_Abstract's ↑ ↑ ↑ creations for more!
Made with ZIM at - Code Creativity!
Features the ZIM SoundWave() class for sound frequency analysis
Make interactive NFTs with ZIM
Dr Abstract is a member of the GadgetMinters
Come say hello on Discord

Inventor, Founder of ZIM - JavaScript Canvas Framework - code creativity). Canadian New Media Awards Winner, Founder of Nodism and Professor of Interactive Media at Sheridan College. AltspaceVR World Builder - Nodist Colony and PagodaScope.




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