by E-Maniak

Shopping frenzy

Shopping frenzy

1 August 2022TEZOSIPFS

Do you like to go shopping? Do you buy only the necessities or do you indulge in the offerings of the various stores?

"Shopping Frenzy" will reveal your true shopping personality - compulsive or not.

*** Welcome to one of our shopping centres ***

You shop in 4 out of 12 departments and see the amount you bought on your receipt. We accept various currencies, including Tezos!

How much did you spend ?

"Shopping frenzy" is :
- 10 different shopping mall names
- 12 different departments
- random placement of departments, entrances and exits
- 8 different colour schemes
- 4 payment currencies
- purchases from 1 to 1000 per department
- date and time are automatically linked to your computer

By the way, this idea came from my initial training in visual merchandising. We learned how to strategically place shelves and products to make it easier for consumers to buy them. Moreover, when I go to a new mall, I look at the map to find the stores that interest me. All of that came together to create this project.

All the names of the malls are fictional and any resemblance to an existing brand is purely coincidental.

Created only in code on P5.js

Emmanuelle Magnenat aka E-Maniak
July/August 2022

licence NFT 2.0
typo 100% free of use

Entrepreneur and art teacher • Artists family since 1832 •




7 / 50

fixed price

0.5 TEZ

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