8 August 2022•TEZOS•IPFS
A virtual gallery displays sculptural forms that slowly get fractured into shards by falling coins.
Summer, 2022 I had 2 (physical) art exhibitions in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Both exhibitions combined physical and digital work, including NFT's. During the exhibition period, I was struck by the spatial and temporal limitations of the physical galleries, not to mention the elitist economic model. This experience was in stark contrast to the very positive, even joyful, experience I've been having publishing NFT's, especially on fxHash.
'Sharding' explores the creation and destruction of generative knot, and related, geometries. The facetted geometry is creating utilizing the following steps:
1. curve creation
2. form extrusion
3. Verlet node creation
4. facetted face creation
The different steps enable the forms to be disassembled/reassembled into their face primitives, including accurate (enough) collision response.
drag -> camera rotation
Mouse Rt Btn -> camera pan
scroll wheel/pinch -> camera zoom
Key Input:
r: reassemble geometry
w: toggle wireframe on/off
-: reduce active coins
+: increase active coins
p: screen capture
Please post your favorite 'Sharding' screen captures
TW: @iragreenberg
IG: @greenberg.ira
Built with three.js, PByte.js, TypeScript, Node
Thank you Paul Bourke, for some of the knot equations
Summer, 2022 I had 2 (physical) art exhibitions in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Both exhibitions combined physical and digital work, including NFT's. During the exhibition period, I was struck by the spatial and temporal limitations of the physical galleries, not to mention the elitist economic model. This experience was in stark contrast to the very positive, even joyful, experience I've been having publishing NFT's, especially on fxHash.
'Sharding' explores the creation and destruction of generative knot, and related, geometries. The facetted geometry is creating utilizing the following steps:
1. curve creation
2. form extrusion
3. Verlet node creation
4. facetted face creation
The different steps enable the forms to be disassembled/reassembled into their face primitives, including accurate (enough) collision response.
drag -> camera rotation
Mouse Rt Btn -> camera pan
scroll wheel/pinch -> camera zoom
Key Input:
r: reassemble geometry
w: toggle wireframe on/off
-: reduce active coins
+: increase active coins
p: screen capture
Please post your favorite 'Sharding' screen captures
TW: @iragreenberg
IG: @greenberg.ira
Built with three.js, PByte.js, TypeScript, Node
Thank you Paul Bourke, for some of the knot equations
Director/Professor Ctr of Creative Computation | SMU, Processing Author, ProcGen NFTs, BaconbitsCollective co-founder #Protobyte Breeder #PostComputation
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dutch auction
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH