by fitipeArt
Self-Chase: Day Time Dream
7 November 2022•TEZOS•IPFS
Generative video-art randomly live-edited by a p5.js code
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A dream looper, a day-light self-chase trap.
Do you recall dreaming that you had to runaway from something but felt like never being able to?
Felt like passing through the exact same place over and over again?
Felt like time was sort of looping, but every loop was a bit different?
As if time was hybridly flowing, mixing speeded up events with slowed down ones…
If everything dreamed is part of who is dreaming, weren’t you also running away from yourself all that time?
This is a project about those dreams.
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Yes, this is a 1/1 on FxHash.
And it never really loops … it will be live edited until closed.
But it’s initial first x seconds will always be the same for every hash (also the value of “x seconds”, which can be chosen between 5 and 15). This means that, once the piece is minted, those first seconds will always repeat exactly the same way every time it’s opened.
fxrand() is used to set all random values!
This project is a transposition of a series of continuously self-live-edited generative videoarts I used to code in python and exhibit with a RaspberryPi + a TV before pandemics. Just like in here, those artworks had 2+ layers playing equal videos, and that’s why the “self-chases” will have only one iteration … because in this case I want variations to happen within the piece, not from a piece to another.
What’s happening in there?
There are three video layers playing three copies of the same .mp4 file.
First, all initial variable values are set and frozen. Then, every y loops of draw function, fxrand() is (re)setting:
~ The speed of each clip
~ Which will come in sequence
~ If it's colors will be inverted
~ The time it takes to switch from one to another
~ If the next video just flashes or stays after flashing
~ The value of "y"
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The audiotrack is included:
Click on the video while it’s playing and press “A” to turn it on or off again.
There are two recording functions (none is perfectly smooth, cause they run live at the same time and canvas as the actual video being output):
Open the piece in a new tab and click on the video being played, then:
Press “v” to start recording and “v” again to stop and save a .mp4 file.
Press “g” to save a .gif file.
* the .mp4 files are recorded using p5.Capture, created by Tapioca24 / @tapioca_mart, so 3% of primary sales are going to tapioca.tez
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Royalties are 20% and equally splited between creator and minter.
Generative videoart by Filipe Britto
@fitipeArt (twitter)
@fitipe (ig)
* it’s me running!
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A dream looper, a day-light self-chase trap.
Do you recall dreaming that you had to runaway from something but felt like never being able to?
Felt like passing through the exact same place over and over again?
Felt like time was sort of looping, but every loop was a bit different?
As if time was hybridly flowing, mixing speeded up events with slowed down ones…
If everything dreamed is part of who is dreaming, weren’t you also running away from yourself all that time?
This is a project about those dreams.
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Yes, this is a 1/1 on FxHash.
And it never really loops … it will be live edited until closed.
But it’s initial first x seconds will always be the same for every hash (also the value of “x seconds”, which can be chosen between 5 and 15). This means that, once the piece is minted, those first seconds will always repeat exactly the same way every time it’s opened.
fxrand() is used to set all random values!
This project is a transposition of a series of continuously self-live-edited generative videoarts I used to code in python and exhibit with a RaspberryPi + a TV before pandemics. Just like in here, those artworks had 2+ layers playing equal videos, and that’s why the “self-chases” will have only one iteration … because in this case I want variations to happen within the piece, not from a piece to another.
What’s happening in there?
There are three video layers playing three copies of the same .mp4 file.
First, all initial variable values are set and frozen. Then, every y loops of draw function, fxrand() is (re)setting:
~ The speed of each clip
~ Which will come in sequence
~ If it's colors will be inverted
~ The time it takes to switch from one to another
~ If the next video just flashes or stays after flashing
~ The value of "y"
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The audiotrack is included:
Click on the video while it’s playing and press “A” to turn it on or off again.
There are two recording functions (none is perfectly smooth, cause they run live at the same time and canvas as the actual video being output):
Open the piece in a new tab and click on the video being played, then:
Press “v” to start recording and “v” again to stop and save a .mp4 file.
Press “g” to save a .gif file.
* the .mp4 files are recorded using p5.Capture, created by Tapioca24 / @tapioca_mart, so 3% of primary sales are going to tapioca.tez
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Royalties are 20% and equally splited between creator and minter.
Generative videoart by Filipe Britto
@fitipeArt (twitter)
@fitipe (ig)
* it’s me running!
Pseudo-material memories of a non fungible world ~ Artworks by Filipe Britto, brazilian master degreed art researcher, lens-based and creative-coding artist ~
1 / 1
dutch auction
36 TEZ
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH