by fana



18 April 2022TEZOSIPFS

Here is my last piece of the fxhash 1.0 grand opening! This token simulates a simple ecosystem, obeying to simple rules:

- Trees (blue triangles) appear at a constant rate, randomly in the world
- Girafes (yellow squares) eat the trees and mate with their kind, traveling at constant speed
- Lions (green pentagons) eat the girafes and mate with their kind, traveling at constant speed

All the species are aging throughout time, but do so more slowly as they eat. To mate with a partner, one must be close enough to him and not having mated for some time. To eat something, they also must be close enough. Fortunately, each animal has a good nose and is attracted by food that he can scent from a distance.
Once a critical population of 150 animals has been reached, the world is considered degenerated.
The initial conditions (number of animals of each kind and their positions) are decided by the hash, as well as the probability for an animal to mate.

Worlds that are created by agents simpler than the whole is a concept that I find very fascinating. A lot of things in our own world are created by this principle of emergence, from our own body to entire societies. Yet, this concept is not well understood but can be simulated if simplified. This is what I tried to do here, and will continue to experiment further in the following months !

Hi, I'm fana. I love coding and creating. NFTs are a great way to link code to creation, so this is what I do!




1 / 64

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