6 September 2023•TEZOS•IPFS
Salome and The Dance of the Seven veils
According to ten verses of Matthew 14, John was imprisoned for criticizing King Herod Antipas's marriage to Herodias, the former wife of Antipas's half-brother Herod II. Herod offered his niece a reward of her choice for performing a dance for his guests on his birthday. Herodias persuaded her daughter to ask for John the Baptist's head on a platter. Against his better judgment, Herod reluctantly acceded to her request.
Salome dances before the King, her body is defined by a field of leopard spots placed on a distorted mesh field. The mesh warping algorithm was created by my friend Christopher Scussel. There are controls in Chris' algorithm that allow me to strategically place "bulges" and" "dents" on the field suggesting the shape of Salome's torso.
Salome's torso is covered with at least one or up to seven veils created from stacking layers of a second Scussel warped mesh algorithm. Each layer is rendered using its own set of random variables making them appear to be swirling. Stacking these layers produces complex surface movement and interactions of intricate moiré patterns. The colors of the layers are based on a set of random analogous colors.
As the viewer generates more and more instances, Salome's dance is revealed.
(c) 2023 Dr. Bill Kolomyjec & Christopher Scussel
Please visit www,
According to ten verses of Matthew 14, John was imprisoned for criticizing King Herod Antipas's marriage to Herodias, the former wife of Antipas's half-brother Herod II. Herod offered his niece a reward of her choice for performing a dance for his guests on his birthday. Herodias persuaded her daughter to ask for John the Baptist's head on a platter. Against his better judgment, Herod reluctantly acceded to her request.
Salome dances before the King, her body is defined by a field of leopard spots placed on a distorted mesh field. The mesh warping algorithm was created by my friend Christopher Scussel. There are controls in Chris' algorithm that allow me to strategically place "bulges" and" "dents" on the field suggesting the shape of Salome's torso.
Salome's torso is covered with at least one or up to seven veils created from stacking layers of a second Scussel warped mesh algorithm. Each layer is rendered using its own set of random variables making them appear to be swirling. Stacking these layers produces complex surface movement and interactions of intricate moiré patterns. The colors of the layers are based on a set of random analogous colors.
As the viewer generates more and more instances, Salome's dance is revealed.
(c) 2023 Dr. Bill Kolomyjec & Christopher Scussel
Please visit www,
I've been involved in making art with the computer since the early 1970's. I’m one of the few early pioneers who’s still practicing Generative Art today.
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