by Alien Gnome



14 August 2022TEZOSIPFS

Long time ago, a mad scientist built a powerful self evolving AI, with time the AI became sentient, when the scientist realized and try to shut down it was already too late, it had gained access to the internet, to this day it's not known if the scientist was dead or kept alive by the machine.
Packages arrived to the laboratory in high quantities, with all sorts of components, everything the machine could get online to build more and more Bots, soon it started using unconventional parts to accelerate the process, when it couldn't get any more parts it started hunting down anything it could use, not even humans or monsters could escape the robotic glare who had taken over the satellites, soon the AI, “Skymet”, had taken over the world, until this day is not known how it came to an end, historians believe that it was a matter of destroying the whole internet and satellites, other's believe some of the robots went rogue, disconnected from "Skymet" and fought together with humans, the only vestiges of that time is a creep diary from the scientist and the giant Robot Heads who can be found anywhere in the world, some buried, some beneath the Ocean, some even became attractions on parks or got stuck in the middle of the Desert, a group of fearless explorer started to collect them all, they're called the "FxFamily", some say they want to rebuild "Skymet", other's that they want to dominate the world with the firepower of those giant Robots, but in all honesty they probably just want big cool Robots.

Project Info:
I've been working on this project for some time now, many rocks were in the way, in a point my pc broke down and the only reason I’ve manage to fix it was because a good irl friend gave me some old parts to use on it, a big thanks for everyone who supported, inspired and sometimes even helped me with some criticism or ideas, hope everyone likes it.

64x64 pixel upscaled to 1024x1024 (open on browser, left click on image, left click on download icon)
More than 4.500.000 possible Outcomes
12 full Sets (Eyes/Nose/Mouth/Antenna)
A bunch of alternative special parts of Sets and some extras without Sets

Furnace Bot
Definitely a Human Bot
Dual Color Bot
Shinning Bot
Wavey Bot
Monster Bot
Industrial Bot
Clock Bot
Valve Bot
Future Bot
Mad Bot

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