by Dr. Bill Kolomy...



23 June 2022TEZOSIPFS

Retrograde is an original piece, a sort of space odyssey. It reminds me of the images of galaxies we see from our telescopes looking into deep space. The underlying algorithm is based on a Lissajous curve whose parameters are filled with random numbers controlling their frequency, size and opacity. Multiple curves are super-imposed to form solar systems. At intervals along each curve are circles (planets), representing instances of a celestial body in motion either forward or retrograde.

To add to the cosmic vib there are 5 possible celestial backgrounds: 4 randomly colored color linear gradients drawn either top left to bottom right or top right to bottom left as well the possibility of solid color with a 25% chance of white. Each image generated is a fantastic galaxy of color.

Check out Dr. Bill Generative Art OG website @

I've been involved in making art with the computer since the early 1970's. I’m one of the few early pioneers who’s still practicing Generative Art today.




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