by Dirbots



29 November 2022TEZOSIPFS

The idea of living within close proximity to nature has enticed people for centuries, especially for the ones used to living in bustling cities. Just picturing a cozy resort in the countryside, or playing music that resembles the feelings of holiday-making can drive us to go on a well-deserved vacation. Even when we don’t know where to, or whether we have the time or resources to slip out of our busy days, or even if that destination exists only in our imaginations. But when we do entertain ourselves with such ideas, we feel like we have taken a step to heal ourselves or to give our mind a worthy time out.

On the other hand, we have been living in human-focused settlements like cities for around 10,000 years, and we have all we need in an urban landscape, yet the idea of living in a secluded resort close to nature kept inviting us. This begs the question: were we supposed to live adjacent to nature to live well? Is it in our nature that we are wired to go back to the world beyond our doors? Or was it because we are aware of how big nature is, and how little time and resources we have to explore them all?

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