by Gnomic_Economic

Relative Volume. Boosted Outsiders.

Relative Volume. Boosted  Outsiders.

21 February 2023TEZOSIPFS

For proper experience open and enable full screen mode.
Press "E" in live mode to save in 2k resolution.

There are two type of objects: eaters and food.
Each eater have own speed and range of vision and move to closest food object.

Size of eaters display relative volume to other eaters energy.
Moves consume energy, eating add energy.

In previous simulation "Starving Traces" all eaters starve to death.
In this simulation most of lives saved with food airdrops.
Food organized in tracks using bezier curves.
Food drops close to weakest eaters to support them.
But it's a world of competition, so more fast eaters can monopolize food.

made with p5.js

I need to pause series of 57 works - i will totally change my life next days.
Glory to zancan and tezos community! His drop for me as ukranian artist and your support a life saving, you give me opportunity to keep creating.




15 / 15

fixed price

0.5 TEZ

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